Home > Plants and Flowers > Free Printable Lily Pad Coloring Pages For Kids

Free Printable Lily Pad Coloring Pages For Kids

By February 24th 2014

Lilypads, the huge circular leaves of the water lily plants, are visually appealing as they float on water along with the pretty and colorful flowers. They have fascinated kids and adults alike over the years, becoming a popular subject for online coloring pages. These leaves have been shown in various films and cartoon series like The Princess and the Frog and Thumbelina, further increasing appeal. The coloring pages feature lilypads in normal as well as in cartoonized versions.

Coloring Pages of Lily Pad

Coloring Pages of Lily Pad

Lily Pad Coloring Page

Lily Pad Coloring Page


Lily Pad Coloring Pages For Kids

Lily Pad Coloring Pages For Kids

Lily Pad Coloring Pages

Lily Pad Coloring Pages

Lily Pads Coloring Pages

Lily Pads Coloring Pages

These coloring pages show the pretty leaves with or without the flowers.

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Plants and Flowers